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Top 8 IT Support Chatbots for 2024 and Beyond

Nowadays, an organization's need for quick, efficient IT support is greater than ever. The traditional 9–5 support approach cannot keep up with organizations that are becoming more global in their operations and adopting remote and hybrid work culture. A Tidio survey states that over 53% of those who took part feel that the most frustrating thing about interacting with organizations is waiting too long for a response. The survey also found that around 62% of respondents prefer a conversational chatbot over a human support agent if they have to wait more than 15 minutes for a response. So, what does it mean for businesses? With round-the-clock support, quick responses, and personalized service experiences, an AI-powered IT support chatbot is more than simply a tool; it is essential in revolutionizing how companies engage with their customer base.

The success of your company's IT chatbot depends on selecting one that fits your company's unique requirements, technological setup, and customer support needs. Choosing the best support chatbot can seem overwhelming because there are so many options on the market.

To avoid the hassle, we at Enjo have sorted through the extensive selection to bring you the best AI-enabled IT support chatbots available for 2024 and beyond.

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What is a Support Chatbot in IT?

A support chatbot is a software solution that may simulate human-to-human communication through text or text-to-speech discussions with users. Powered by advanced technologies like Generative AI, natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML), IT support chatbots are made especially to offer first-level support, addressing frequently asked questions, resolving simple problems, and assisting users with different processes. Its ability to understand and interpret user questions allows it to provide relevant and the right responses or escalate complex issues to human support agents.

How Does an IT Chatbot Redefine IT Support?

IT chatbots significantly change IT support in the following ways:

  • Round-the-clock Availability
    Unlike human support agents, IT support chatbots are always available to respond to user inquiries instantly whenever and wherever they occur.
  • Consistency
    IT support chatbots provide consistent responses, reducing the possibility of human error and guaranteeing that every user receives the same level of support.
  • Personalization
    Advanced AI-enabled IT support chatbots may provide personalized assistance by accessing user history and preferences, improving the general user experience.
  • Automation
    Support chatbots for IT helps organizations to automate repetitive and tedious IT tasks and processes, such as resetting passwords, updating software, or troubleshooting common issues. This routine task automation frees up human support agents to focus on more complex and strategic tasks, elevating overall productivity and efficiency.
  • Cost Efficiency
    Chatbots automate repetitive IT support tasks and time-consuming processes, freeing up human resources for more complicated problems and maximizing operational expenses.
  • Scalability
    Support chatbots can effortlessly handle a high volume of inquiries at once, guaranteeing effective peak-time management at no extra expense.
  • Integration
    AI-powered IT chatbots can integrate with existing IT systems such as ticketing systems, knowledge bases, chat platforms and workflows, allowing them to access relevant information and perform tasks seamlessly. This integration automates support processes and ensures that users have access to the right information and resources at the right time.

Now, let's explore the best support chatbots for 2024, highlighting their salient features, pros, and cons. Whether you're a Fortune 100 company looking to streamline your support system or a small business wanting to tap into AI, we have a variety of IT chatbots that can adapt to your needs.

Top IT Support Chatbots

  2. Drift
  3. Moveworks
  4. Aisera
  5. Ada
  6. IBM Watsonx Assistant
  8. Expressive
Let’s discuss one by one. 

1. is a support automation platform powered by Generative AI designed to automate employee or customer support requests from start to finish. Trained on your company knowledge using retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) architecture, helps users find the most relevant information. 

It also maximizes automated resolutions through extensive integration with your ticketing system and other instant messaging tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams. Enjo Copilots speed up handling IT-related support inquiries through automated answers and end-user direct ticketing. They also assist teams that handle support requests, which increases productivity and efficacy.

Key Features

  • A Copilot Knowledge module that can be trained on company knowledge for adequate support
  • Through the use of a Copilot Ticketing module, the Copilot can interact with and learn from any ticketing system
  • The Copilot Actions module allows the Copilot to interact with and collect information from any application function, allowing it to perform relevant actions or inquiries on the go.
  • A Copilot Channels module that makes deploying across several chat platforms, including Teams and Slack, easier
  • A Copilot Conversations module that effectively centralizes user interactions for IT support teams.
  • A Copilot Insights module that provides performance analytics for continuous improvement
  • Quick, human-like responses to chat support questions
  • Instant access to corporate data through chat
  • Track open requests easily in the chat platform
  • Automates repetitive IT tasks such as password resets and access allocation
  • Requests for pertinent support are expedited


  • Personalizing Copilot behavior and attitude 
  • Directing inbound queries to the relevant support desk based on their intent
  • Searching for relevant data on demand from multiple knowledge sources 
  • Overview of the user conversation 
  • Transforming a user conversation into a reusable knowledge resource 
  • Rewording draft responses to ensure proper clarity and tone 
  • Classifying past queries automatically to get deeper insights 
  • Examining user feedback regarding suggestions for improved priority 
  • Filtering through pending requests in a private chat room
  • Collecting customer requests via private chat or public support channels
  • Tailoring each messaging exchange with users on Copilot
  • Use emojis in chat when creating or updating tickets 
  • Gathering feedback directly through chat channels to refine response quality and effectiveness
  • Managing high-priority issues in specific chat swarm rooms
  • Proactively sending customized notifications and announcements via chat
  • Monitoring performance and providing recommendations and actionable reports


  • The platform is limited to support automation


Contact the sales team for the pricing details. A free trial is offered.

Want to know more about Enjo? Read our latest blog

2. Drift

Drift's conversation cloud platform Empowers organizations to engage in timely and location-specific conversations. The unique conversational AI-enabled chatbot from Drift enhances the user experience by delivering personalized consumer interactions. Its distinct focus is on providing conversational marketing, sales, and support, all within a single platform that includes email, chat, and video features. 

Drift's AI technology is the backbone of its customized user experience. It's an AI-powered chatbot that engages and qualifies users and guides them to the most relevant page, ensuring a seamless journey.

Key Features

  • With in-app messaging, you can conveniently interact with users and provide relevant help from within the app
  • Intelligent Routing ensures efficient and personalized service by directing chats to the most suitable team members based on location, past interactions, and preferred language
  • Offer clients valuable opportunities to engage in customized and interactive interactions through video and voice calling services
  • By allowing consumers to see their screens, agents may walk them through complicated problems step-by-step
  • Agents can save and retrieve past customer and agent conversations to enable individualized help and smooth continuity
  • Use sophisticated targeting options to initiate specific chat messages or sequences, boosting relevance and engagement
  • Customize conversations for website users depending on behavior and context


  • It provides a user-friendly interface that is easy to use, even for those with different levels of technical expertise
  • Streamlines lead management procedures by integrating with top marketing tools with ease
  • Boosts lead generation efforts by utilizing AI-driven technologies to discover potential prospects and collect visitor data.


  • Drift may struggle to handle complex discussions due to its crude NLP features
  •  Users might not be able to customize the behavior of the chatbot fully
  •  More expensive subscriptions may be needed to access sophisticated features, like enhanced reporting and integrations.


Small businesses and enterprises can start at $2500 a month

3. Moveworks

Moveworks is the copilot platform for automating employee support. It enables employees to have natural language conversations with all of your company processes. 

Its copilot, powered by the most powerful LLMs in the world and unique in-house MoveLM models, lets users search for information, automate processes, and use generative AI to produce content. 

Moveworks automates L1 support, increases employee satisfaction, and manages essential business activities.

Key Features

  • Offers an intelligence engine capable of automating various IT tasks like software provisioning, password resets, and email group creation
  • Advanced triage capabilities to efficiently address and manage issues
  • Offers multilingual support
  • Realtime insight into conversational AI effectiveness and integration performance
  • Comprehensive integration with other platforms enhances its utility and application
  • Utilizes the company's knowledge base to ensure adherence to financial policies


  • Gives a conversational interface to interact with all of your company's systems
  • Uses advanced conversational AI to manage conversational flow, comprehend employee needs, and interact with your whole IT stack
  • 100+ 'out-of-the-box use cases, with developer tools and configurability to build new ones
  • Moveworks offers out-of-the-box solutions and proprietary enterprise data customized to your company's requirements and language


  • Moveworks could be expensive for specific firms
  • For employees unfamiliar with conversational interfaces or artificial intelligence technologies, Moveworks may require comprehensive training and support to ensure a smooth adoption process
  • Certain instances, including complex requests, confusing wording, or low-quality data sources, may result in limitations or errors in Moveworks
  • Moveworks could be a security or privacy risk if improperly set up or compromised by hostile parties
  • Might encounter regulatory or competitive pressure from other AI platforms or organizations.


Contact the sales team to get a customized plan

4. Aisera

Aisera’s conversational AI solution is designed to empower enterprises with intelligent and robust self-service capabilities for both customer and employee support. This solution leverages advanced technologies, including Natural Language Processing (NLP), Large Language Models (LLM) and machine learning (ML), to provide customized, human-like and real-time conversational experiences to the end-user.

Key Features

  • Conversational AI-powered virtual assistants tailored to their specific need
  • Multilingual support
  • Omnichannel deployment
  • Personalized conversational experiences
  • Instant self-Service resolutions


  • Handle high quantities of interactions across multiple channels and domains
  • Better end-user experience
  • Reduce operating expenses while increasing overall efficiency
  • Advanced learning capabilities ensure that the AI assistants remain up to date


  • Implementation and integration complexity
  • The accuracy and effectiveness of AI assistants greatly depend on their quality
  • Some users may be apprehensive about using AI-powered virtual assistants, especially for complex or sensitive matters, preferring traditional human-to-human interactions.


Contact sales representatives to get the pricing details

5. Ada

Ada is an AI-driven chatbot solution that provides personal and engaging experiences to the users. By leveraging the advanced power of conversational AI and NLP, this chatbot automation tool reduces recurring tickets by providing a self-service solution that allows users to update their information, upgrade their accounts, schedule appointments etc.

Key Features

  • Robust knowledge base
  • Rich messaging capability
  • Customization 
  • AI-enabled ticket creation and handoff
  • Bot key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • No-code chatbot builder
  • Live chat feature
  • Seamless integration 
  • A/B testing


  • Easy and flexible integration 
  • Autoresolve more phone calls with voice AI
  • Customer-friendly and easy to create answer flows
  • Round-the-clock support
  • Instant resolution of 70% customer queries
  • Easy drag and drop chatbot setup
  • Intuitive designs


  • High dependency on internet
  • Learning curve on non-technical teams
  • Complex reports and statistics


Reach out to sales team for pricing details

6. IBM Watsonx Assistant

Watsonx Assistant is among the most sophisticated AI chatbots on the market right now, having been created by IBM, a pioneer in the field. Watson Assistant is excellent in many applications, including customer service and workflow optimization. It is a potent tool in conversational AI because of its adaptive learning and integration capabilities.

Key Features

  • Advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) to interpret and analyze user inputs, enabling smooth and productive dialogues
  • Integration with IBM Cloud services
  • Allows support agents to handle more tasks and critical data, best practices, insights, and interactions in real-time
  • AI Voice Chatbot combines with IBM Watson Assistant over the phone. 
  • Multi-channel deployment ensures consistent and efficient communication across digital touchpoints by allowing for flexibility


  • Transforms traditional support methods to provide better customer experiences
  • Powered by reliable large language models (LLMs), ensuring precise and efficient communication
  • An intuitive interface for seamless navigation and operation, boosting user experience and productivity
  • Streamlined self-service support, reduces customer friction


  • Because of its extensive features, setup may require technical skill
  • Technological expertise may be needed to develop and integrate complex adaptations
  • Users might require time and instruction to grasp its more complex elements


Contact sales team for subscription plans

7. Espressive

Espressive Barista is an innovative AI-powered virtual support agent designed to redefine the IT service desk experience for employees. Espressive, powered by powerful conversational AI technology, does more than just provide answers; it actively engages with employees to comprehend the underlying meaning of their questions, issues, and demands.

Key Features

  • Advanced conversational AI, NLP and NLU capabilities
  • Highly customizable platform
  • Automated process execution
  • Multi-language support
  • Seamless chat integration
  • User-friendly Interface


  • Provides 24/7 automated resolutions and self-service capabilities
  • Personalized interactions and an intuitive UI result in a user-friendly and engaging experience.
  • Decrease the IT operational costs
  • Reduces the workload of IT support team


  • Limited out-of-the-box interactions and features
  • Lack of native integration with communication channels like WhatsApp
  • Limited transparency on out-of-the-box capabilities
  • Need for an enhanced knowledge management with better categorization and subcategorization
  • Limited automation capabilities and integration options
  • Lack of comprehensive ITSM capabilities


Contact the Espressive sales team to obtain current pricing

8. is a conversational AI chatbot that requires no coding and is specifically developed for customer support teams. The chatbot builder allows users to design virtual agents that can interpret and respond to natural human speech patterns.'s chatbots, which use superior natural language understanding (NLU) capabilities, can assess the intent and context of messages rather than relying exclusively on keyword identification.

Key Features

  • A no-code platform that allows users to create and train conversational AI agents 
  • Advanced NLU capabilities to enable chatbots to understand the intent and context behind natural human speech patterns
  • Omnichannel deployment
  • Out-of-the-box integrations with popular CRM systems, knowledge bases
  • Comprehensive analytics and reporting tools
  • Multi-language support enabling chatbots to communicate effectively


  • Accessible to organizations without substantial technical resources or expertise in coding and AI development
  • The user-friendly interface and pre-built templates allow for quick deployment of chatbots
  • Cloud-based architecture ensures that the platform can scale to handle increasing volumes of customer interactions as businesses grow
  •  Provide a cost-effective solution for organizations seeking to implement conversational AI capabilities.


  • Limited customization
  • Dependency on the platform
  • Learning curve for non-technical users
  • Data privacy and security concerns


Contact sales team for pricing details

Top Benefits of Using IT Support Chatbots

  • 24/7 chatbot support to provide instant answers anytime, anywhere
    With IT chatbots, users need not worry about delays or downtime. It can respond to user queries instantly, ensuring that users always get the information or support they need immediately. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also reduces frustration caused by long wait times. Since chatbots are available 24/7, they can be incredibly useful for organizations with a global customer base or those operating in different time zones.
  • Reduce support costs
    Implementing chatbots for IT can significantly decrease customer support costs and service desk operations. IT chatbots can manage a huge volume of repetitive queries and tasks, reducing the need for human support agents and reducing labor costs. IT support chatbots may also easily scale to handle many conversations simultaneously, allowing enterprises to assist a growing customer base without raising the workforce accordingly.
  • Boosts support agent’s productivity
    By assigning easy and repetitive tasks to chatbots, human support agents may devote their time and energy to more complicated and high-value issues. AI chatbots can serve as a first line of help, triaging and filtering out simple inquiries, making agents more efficient and productive. This can result in quicker resolution times for complex issues and higher overall agent productivity.
  • Contextual information leading to quick issue resolution
    IT support chatbots can collect the right information from users during the first interaction by adding account details, issue descriptions, or system configurations. This contextual information can then be effortlessly passed on to human agents, allowing them to rapidly understand the situation and provide more targeted support, resulting in faster resolution times.


Implementing support chatbots has become crucial due to the growing complexity of IT issues and the increasing desire for quick and right solutions. Today, chatbots have become an organization's superhero that has the power to improve user experiences and streamline support processes so that your employees and IT support agents can concentrate on meaningful work.

The above-mentioned list of the  best IT support chatbots for 2024 features the most robust chatbots and helps businesses make the right decisions tailored to their goals and needs. 

If you're looking for a modern IT support chatbot that enables complex automation and IT workflows, integrates with the ticketing system you use, and works on multiple channels, Enjo is the best IT chatbot for you to consider. Enjo empowers businesses to improve customer experiences, expedite processes, and enhance support tasks.

Elevate your IT Support Game and Enhance User Experience with Enjo.
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1. What are support chatbots?

Chatbots are AI-driven software applications that assist users with questions, tasks, or problems through conversational interfaces like chat windows.

2. How are support chatbots used? 

Support chatbots, powered by Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning, are adept at understanding user inquiries and providing relevant answers. They also play a crucial role in problem-solving. 

However, when necessary, they can seamlessly escalate issues to human agents or generate appropriate responses based on their analysis of text inputs and keyword identification, ensuring a human touch in customer service. 

3. What kinds of support inquiries are compatible with chatbots? 

Support chatbots are remarkably versatile and capable of handling many support inquiries. They can respond to frequently asked questions (FAQs), provide detailed product information, troubleshoot technical issues, assist with account administration, process orders, and even offer advice on various topics related to goods or services.

4. Do support chatbots run around the clock?

Yes, the availability of assistance chatbots around the clock is one of their main advantages. They guarantee that users receive timely service regardless of their location or time zone because they can assist at any time of day or night.

5. Are chatbots capable of understanding many languages? 

Numerous chatbots for customer service possess multilingual assistance features, which enable them to comprehend and reply to inquiries in various languages. This function guarantees inclusivity and improves the user experience for a wide variety of users.

What is a Support Chatbot in IT?

A support chatbot is a software solution that may simulate human-to-human communication through text or text-to-speech discussions with users. Powered by advanced technologies like Generative AI, natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML), IT support chatbots are made especially to offer first-level support, addressing frequently asked questions, resolving simple problems, and assisting users with different processes. Its ability to understand and interpret user questions allows it to provide relevant and the right responses or escalate complex issues to human support agents.

How Does an IT Chatbot Redefine IT Support?

IT chatbots significantly change IT support in the following ways:

  • Round-the-clock Availability
    Unlike human support agents, IT support chatbots are always available to respond to user inquiries instantly whenever and wherever they occur.
  • Consistency
    IT support chatbots provide consistent responses, reducing the possibility of human error and guaranteeing that every user receives the same level of support.
  • Personalization
    Advanced AI-enabled IT support chatbots may provide personalized assistance by accessing user history and preferences, improving the general user experience.
  • Automation
    Support chatbots for IT helps organizations to automate repetitive and tedious IT tasks and processes, such as resetting passwords, updating software, or troubleshooting common issues. This routine task automation frees up human support agents to focus on more complex and strategic tasks, elevating overall productivity and efficiency.
  • Cost Efficiency
    Chatbots automate repetitive IT support tasks and time-consuming processes, freeing up human resources for more complicated problems and maximizing operational expenses.
  • Scalability
    Support chatbots can effortlessly handle a high volume of inquiries at once, guaranteeing effective peak-time management at no extra expense.
  • Integration
    AI-powered IT chatbots can integrate with existing IT systems such as ticketing systems, knowledge bases, chat platforms and workflows, allowing them to access relevant information and perform tasks seamlessly. This integration automates support processes and ensures that users have access to the right information and resources at the right time.

Now, let's explore the best support chatbots for 2024, highlighting their salient features, pros, and cons. Whether you're a Fortune 100 company looking to streamline your support system or a small business wanting to tap into AI, we have a variety of IT chatbots that can adapt to your needs.

Top IT Support Chatbots

  2. Drift
  3. Moveworks
  4. Aisera
  5. Ada
  6. IBM Watsonx Assistant
  8. Expressive
Let’s discuss one by one. 

1. is a support automation platform powered by Generative AI designed to automate employee or customer support requests from start to finish. Trained on your company knowledge using retrieval-augmented generation (RAG) architecture, helps users find the most relevant information. 

It also maximizes automated resolutions through extensive integration with your ticketing system and other instant messaging tools like Slack and Microsoft Teams. Enjo Copilots speed up handling IT-related support inquiries through automated answers and end-user direct ticketing. They also assist teams that handle support requests, which increases productivity and efficacy.

Key Features

  • A Copilot Knowledge module that can be trained on company knowledge for adequate support
  • Through the use of a Copilot Ticketing module, the Copilot can interact with and learn from any ticketing system
  • The Copilot Actions module allows the Copilot to interact with and collect information from any application function, allowing it to perform relevant actions or inquiries on the go.
  • A Copilot Channels module that makes deploying across several chat platforms, including Teams and Slack, easier
  • A Copilot Conversations module that effectively centralizes user interactions for IT support teams.
  • A Copilot Insights module that provides performance analytics for continuous improvement
  • Quick, human-like responses to chat support questions
  • Instant access to corporate data through chat
  • Track open requests easily in the chat platform
  • Automates repetitive IT tasks such as password resets and access allocation
  • Requests for pertinent support are expedited


  • Personalizing Copilot behavior and attitude 
  • Directing inbound queries to the relevant support desk based on their intent
  • Searching for relevant data on demand from multiple knowledge sources 
  • Overview of the user conversation 
  • Transforming a user conversation into a reusable knowledge resource 
  • Rewording draft responses to ensure proper clarity and tone 
  • Classifying past queries automatically to get deeper insights 
  • Examining user feedback regarding suggestions for improved priority 
  • Filtering through pending requests in a private chat room
  • Collecting customer requests via private chat or public support channels
  • Tailoring each messaging exchange with users on Copilot
  • Use emojis in chat when creating or updating tickets 
  • Gathering feedback directly through chat channels to refine response quality and effectiveness
  • Managing high-priority issues in specific chat swarm rooms
  • Proactively sending customized notifications and announcements via chat
  • Monitoring performance and providing recommendations and actionable reports


  • The platform is limited to support automation


Contact the sales team for the pricing details. A free trial is offered.

Want to know more about Enjo? Read our latest blog

2. Drift

Drift's conversation cloud platform Empowers organizations to engage in timely and location-specific conversations. The unique conversational AI-enabled chatbot from Drift enhances the user experience by delivering personalized consumer interactions. Its distinct focus is on providing conversational marketing, sales, and support, all within a single platform that includes email, chat, and video features. 

Drift's AI technology is the backbone of its customized user experience. It's an AI-powered chatbot that engages and qualifies users and guides them to the most relevant page, ensuring a seamless journey.

Key Features

  • With in-app messaging, you can conveniently interact with users and provide relevant help from within the app
  • Intelligent Routing ensures efficient and personalized service by directing chats to the most suitable team members based on location, past interactions, and preferred language
  • Offer clients valuable opportunities to engage in customized and interactive interactions through video and voice calling services
  • By allowing consumers to see their screens, agents may walk them through complicated problems step-by-step
  • Agents can save and retrieve past customer and agent conversations to enable individualized help and smooth continuity
  • Use sophisticated targeting options to initiate specific chat messages or sequences, boosting relevance and engagement
  • Customize conversations for website users depending on behavior and context


  • It provides a user-friendly interface that is easy to use, even for those with different levels of technical expertise
  • Streamlines lead management procedures by integrating with top marketing tools with ease
  • Boosts lead generation efforts by utilizing AI-driven technologies to discover potential prospects and collect visitor data.


  • Drift may struggle to handle complex discussions due to its crude NLP features
  •  Users might not be able to customize the behavior of the chatbot fully
  •  More expensive subscriptions may be needed to access sophisticated features, like enhanced reporting and integrations.


Small businesses and enterprises can start at $2500 a month

3. Moveworks

Moveworks is the copilot platform for automating employee support. It enables employees to have natural language conversations with all of your company processes. 

Its copilot, powered by the most powerful LLMs in the world and unique in-house MoveLM models, lets users search for information, automate processes, and use generative AI to produce content. 

Moveworks automates L1 support, increases employee satisfaction, and manages essential business activities.

Key Features

  • Offers an intelligence engine capable of automating various IT tasks like software provisioning, password resets, and email group creation
  • Advanced triage capabilities to efficiently address and manage issues
  • Offers multilingual support
  • Realtime insight into conversational AI effectiveness and integration performance
  • Comprehensive integration with other platforms enhances its utility and application
  • Utilizes the company's knowledge base to ensure adherence to financial policies


  • Gives a conversational interface to interact with all of your company's systems
  • Uses advanced conversational AI to manage conversational flow, comprehend employee needs, and interact with your whole IT stack
  • 100+ 'out-of-the-box use cases, with developer tools and configurability to build new ones
  • Moveworks offers out-of-the-box solutions and proprietary enterprise data customized to your company's requirements and language


  • Moveworks could be expensive for specific firms
  • For employees unfamiliar with conversational interfaces or artificial intelligence technologies, Moveworks may require comprehensive training and support to ensure a smooth adoption process
  • Certain instances, including complex requests, confusing wording, or low-quality data sources, may result in limitations or errors in Moveworks
  • Moveworks could be a security or privacy risk if improperly set up or compromised by hostile parties
  • Might encounter regulatory or competitive pressure from other AI platforms or organizations.


Contact the sales team to get a customized plan

4. Aisera

Aisera’s conversational AI solution is designed to empower enterprises with intelligent and robust self-service capabilities for both customer and employee support. This solution leverages advanced technologies, including Natural Language Processing (NLP), Large Language Models (LLM) and machine learning (ML), to provide customized, human-like and real-time conversational experiences to the end-user.

Key Features

  • Conversational AI-powered virtual assistants tailored to their specific need
  • Multilingual support
  • Omnichannel deployment
  • Personalized conversational experiences
  • Instant self-Service resolutions


  • Handle high quantities of interactions across multiple channels and domains
  • Better end-user experience
  • Reduce operating expenses while increasing overall efficiency
  • Advanced learning capabilities ensure that the AI assistants remain up to date


  • Implementation and integration complexity
  • The accuracy and effectiveness of AI assistants greatly depend on their quality
  • Some users may be apprehensive about using AI-powered virtual assistants, especially for complex or sensitive matters, preferring traditional human-to-human interactions.


Contact sales representatives to get the pricing details

5. Ada

Ada is an AI-driven chatbot solution that provides personal and engaging experiences to the users. By leveraging the advanced power of conversational AI and NLP, this chatbot automation tool reduces recurring tickets by providing a self-service solution that allows users to update their information, upgrade their accounts, schedule appointments etc.

Key Features

  • Robust knowledge base
  • Rich messaging capability
  • Customization 
  • AI-enabled ticket creation and handoff
  • Bot key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • No-code chatbot builder
  • Live chat feature
  • Seamless integration 
  • A/B testing


  • Easy and flexible integration 
  • Autoresolve more phone calls with voice AI
  • Customer-friendly and easy to create answer flows
  • Round-the-clock support
  • Instant resolution of 70% customer queries
  • Easy drag and drop chatbot setup
  • Intuitive designs


  • High dependency on internet
  • Learning curve on non-technical teams
  • Complex reports and statistics


Reach out to sales team for pricing details

6. IBM Watsonx Assistant

Watsonx Assistant is among the most sophisticated AI chatbots on the market right now, having been created by IBM, a pioneer in the field. Watson Assistant is excellent in many applications, including customer service and workflow optimization. It is a potent tool in conversational AI because of its adaptive learning and integration capabilities.

Key Features

  • Advanced Natural Language Processing (NLP) to interpret and analyze user inputs, enabling smooth and productive dialogues
  • Integration with IBM Cloud services
  • Allows support agents to handle more tasks and critical data, best practices, insights, and interactions in real-time
  • AI Voice Chatbot combines with IBM Watson Assistant over the phone. 
  • Multi-channel deployment ensures consistent and efficient communication across digital touchpoints by allowing for flexibility


  • Transforms traditional support methods to provide better customer experiences
  • Powered by reliable large language models (LLMs), ensuring precise and efficient communication
  • An intuitive interface for seamless navigation and operation, boosting user experience and productivity
  • Streamlined self-service support, reduces customer friction


  • Because of its extensive features, setup may require technical skill
  • Technological expertise may be needed to develop and integrate complex adaptations
  • Users might require time and instruction to grasp its more complex elements


Contact sales team for subscription plans

7. Espressive

Espressive Barista is an innovative AI-powered virtual support agent designed to redefine the IT service desk experience for employees. Espressive, powered by powerful conversational AI technology, does more than just provide answers; it actively engages with employees to comprehend the underlying meaning of their questions, issues, and demands.

Key Features

  • Advanced conversational AI, NLP and NLU capabilities
  • Highly customizable platform
  • Automated process execution
  • Multi-language support
  • Seamless chat integration
  • User-friendly Interface


  • Provides 24/7 automated resolutions and self-service capabilities
  • Personalized interactions and an intuitive UI result in a user-friendly and engaging experience.
  • Decrease the IT operational costs
  • Reduces the workload of IT support team


  • Limited out-of-the-box interactions and features
  • Lack of native integration with communication channels like WhatsApp
  • Limited transparency on out-of-the-box capabilities
  • Need for an enhanced knowledge management with better categorization and subcategorization
  • Limited automation capabilities and integration options
  • Lack of comprehensive ITSM capabilities


Contact the Espressive sales team to obtain current pricing

8. is a conversational AI chatbot that requires no coding and is specifically developed for customer support teams. The chatbot builder allows users to design virtual agents that can interpret and respond to natural human speech patterns.'s chatbots, which use superior natural language understanding (NLU) capabilities, can assess the intent and context of messages rather than relying exclusively on keyword identification.

Key Features

  • A no-code platform that allows users to create and train conversational AI agents 
  • Advanced NLU capabilities to enable chatbots to understand the intent and context behind natural human speech patterns
  • Omnichannel deployment
  • Out-of-the-box integrations with popular CRM systems, knowledge bases
  • Comprehensive analytics and reporting tools
  • Multi-language support enabling chatbots to communicate effectively


  • Accessible to organizations without substantial technical resources or expertise in coding and AI development
  • The user-friendly interface and pre-built templates allow for quick deployment of chatbots
  • Cloud-based architecture ensures that the platform can scale to handle increasing volumes of customer interactions as businesses grow
  •  Provide a cost-effective solution for organizations seeking to implement conversational AI capabilities.


  • Limited customization
  • Dependency on the platform
  • Learning curve for non-technical users
  • Data privacy and security concerns


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Top Benefits of Using IT Support Chatbots

  • 24/7 chatbot support to provide instant answers anytime, anywhere
    With IT chatbots, users need not worry about delays or downtime. It can respond to user queries instantly, ensuring that users always get the information or support they need immediately. This not only enhances customer satisfaction but also reduces frustration caused by long wait times. Since chatbots are available 24/7, they can be incredibly useful for organizations with a global customer base or those operating in different time zones.
  • Reduce support costs
    Implementing chatbots for IT can significantly decrease customer support costs and service desk operations. IT chatbots can manage a huge volume of repetitive queries and tasks, reducing the need for human support agents and reducing labor costs. IT support chatbots may also easily scale to handle many conversations simultaneously, allowing enterprises to assist a growing customer base without raising the workforce accordingly.
  • Boosts support agent’s productivity
    By assigning easy and repetitive tasks to chatbots, human support agents may devote their time and energy to more complicated and high-value issues. AI chatbots can serve as a first line of help, triaging and filtering out simple inquiries, making agents more efficient and productive. This can result in quicker resolution times for complex issues and higher overall agent productivity.
  • Contextual information leading to quick issue resolution
    IT support chatbots can collect the right information from users during the first interaction by adding account details, issue descriptions, or system configurations. This contextual information can then be effortlessly passed on to human agents, allowing them to rapidly understand the situation and provide more targeted support, resulting in faster resolution times.


Implementing support chatbots has become crucial due to the growing complexity of IT issues and the increasing desire for quick and right solutions. Today, chatbots have become an organization's superhero that has the power to improve user experiences and streamline support processes so that your employees and IT support agents can concentrate on meaningful work.

The above-mentioned list of the  best IT support chatbots for 2024 features the most robust chatbots and helps businesses make the right decisions tailored to their goals and needs. 

If you're looking for a modern IT support chatbot that enables complex automation and IT workflows, integrates with the ticketing system you use, and works on multiple channels, Enjo is the best IT chatbot for you to consider. Enjo empowers businesses to improve customer experiences, expedite processes, and enhance support tasks.

Elevate your IT Support Game and Enhance User Experience with Enjo.
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1. What are support chatbots?

Chatbots are AI-driven software applications that assist users with questions, tasks, or problems through conversational interfaces like chat windows.

2. How are support chatbots used? 

Support chatbots, powered by Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning, are adept at understanding user inquiries and providing relevant answers. They also play a crucial role in problem-solving. 

However, when necessary, they can seamlessly escalate issues to human agents or generate appropriate responses based on their analysis of text inputs and keyword identification, ensuring a human touch in customer service. 

3. What kinds of support inquiries are compatible with chatbots? 

Support chatbots are remarkably versatile and capable of handling many support inquiries. They can respond to frequently asked questions (FAQs), provide detailed product information, troubleshoot technical issues, assist with account administration, process orders, and even offer advice on various topics related to goods or services.

4. Do support chatbots run around the clock?

Yes, the availability of assistance chatbots around the clock is one of their main advantages. They guarantee that users receive timely service regardless of their location or time zone because they can assist at any time of day or night.

5. Are chatbots capable of understanding many languages? 

Numerous chatbots for customer service possess multilingual assistance features, which enable them to comprehend and reply to inquiries in various languages. This function guarantees inclusivity and improves the user experience for a wide variety of users.

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