Best Halp / JSM virtual agent Alternative-Enjo

Enjo has direct and deep Slack and Teams integration with Jira or any ticketing system you use. Enjo also has integration with Confluence and many more knowledge sources. With automated ticketing and automated answering from knowledge sources, you can resolve customer requests quickly and directly in Slack or Teams.

Enjo vs Halp


Gen AI powered answering

Ticketing system integration

Supports Jira DC

Supports Confluence DC

Request form mapping

CSAT Feedback

Ticket alert filters

Ticket alert message

Reports in Slack and Teams

Reminders in Slack and Teams

Approval alerts in Slack and Teams

Bi directional updates

Customizable emoji actions

Customizable commands

Multi message ticket creation

Guest facilitation

Sync media attachments

Automated ticket creation


Answers from Confluence and other knowledge sources

Deep Jira integration + other ticketing systems



Support all form fields

Feedback integrated with Jira



Customizable Jira charts

Multiple reminder templates


Yes, for all fields




Yes with configurable restrictions




Suggestion from Confluence only (beta)

Only limited Jira Integration



Supports limited form fields

Feedback not integrated


Not customizable




Yes, for limited fields

Yes, but limited



Yes but can't restrict access



Enjo Features

Automatic answering

Enjo automatically answers for every message in the channel from Confluence and other connected knowledge sources.

Answer Rephrasing

Rephrase answers before sending to customers to better suit the tone and style of that particular conversation.

Summary generation

Generate a summary of the entire conversation, highlighting key points and share it with your stakeholders.

Emoji ticketing

Add a ticket emoji to any Slack or Teams message to convert it into a request. Customize the trigger emoji to any emoji of your choice.

Guest Facilitation

Configure guest facilitation that allows external users to create and comment on Jira requests. Configure restrictions at user or bot levels.

Automatic syncing

Discussions in the Slack or Teams thread conversations are automatically synced to the request and updates to the request in the ticketing system are synced back.

Use extensive commands

Enjo supports most Jira actions via slash (/enjo) commands. You can create a channel report, view channel reports and personal reports.

Easy approvals

Enjo delivers approval requests to approvers in Slack or Teams. Just click a button in the approval message to take action on the request.

Easy tracking

Customers can easily track their open requests in the support channel or privately.

Easy feedback

Get customer feedback about the support experience in Slack or Teams. When a ticket is closed, the reporter is sent a message asking about their support experience.

Private requests

Customers can file your requests privately in Slack or Teams. Administrators can restrict access to only select projects and request types.

Search on demand

Find and share helpful suggestions from knowledge sources like Confluence, Sharepoint etc with customer in Slack or Teams.

Central triage channel

Setup a private “agent” channel for the help desk team to serve as the hub for all requests collected via Slack or Teams or any other channel.

Internal comments

Enabling channel sync would allow internal comments in Slack or Teams to get automatically updated in the ticketing system and vice versa.

Slack / Teams message customization

Customize the message you receive when creating requests in Slack or Teams. Customize the request details and action buttons that will show up.

Request previews

Request previews show additional information and action buttons for the request when they are mentioned in Slack or Teams.

Real Time insights

Share real time insights and progress reports from the ticketing system in the form of charts and actionable list of requests.

Proactive reminders

Get reminders on pending and open requests in any Slack or Teams channel. Set up a schedule of your choice and filter by projects, event type.

Multi level access control

Enjo supports administrator roles at both copilot level and workspace level. Every copilot and workspace can have one or more designated administrators.

Multi-message actions

Turn a conversation across multiple messages into one request by just adding an emoji to the beginning of the conversation.

Dynamic request creation forms

Automatically discover required fields during request creation, update or status transition based on permissions granted to the user.

Copilot preferences

Extensively customize the Enjo behavior including thread sync, creation defaults, request previews and more.

Guest Facilitation

Configure guest facilitation that allows external users to create and comment on Jira requests. Configure restrictions at user or bot levels.

Extensive command support

Enjo supports most JSM actions via slash commands. Create a request, update any field, take actions including changing status, assignee and more.

Ticketing in DM channels

Handle requests from customer in direct chat (DM channels) with them. Easily capture these conversations into Jira requests.

Works with JSM DC or Cloud

Enjo Slack and Teams integration for JSM fully supports all features in both the on premise (Data Center) and cloud versions.

Trusted Security Excellence

Best-in-class security trusted by thousands of leading brands in the US and around the world.

Our security practice includes state-of-the-art encryption, trusted infrastructure and service partners, periodic third party audits and continuous monitoring to ensure that your data is always secure. Made by founding team with 4 decades of experience at some of the largest enterprises with industry leading security measures.